Carbon Literacy Project Information

Carbon Literacy is relevant climate change learning that leads to positivity and action towards reducing carbon emissions. The Carbon Literacy Project works to provide you with access to this learning so that you can become certified as Carbon Literate.

The Project’s published definition of Carbon Literacy is:

“An awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

More than just small personal changes, Carbon Literacy highlights the need for substantial change and supports you, as an individual, to have a cascade effect on a much wider audience – whether it’s in your workplace, community, school, university, place of worship, or another setting.

A Carbon Literate citizen understands how climate change will affect them and the people around them, both geographically and sectorally. A Carbon Literate citizen has acquired the knowledge and skills to develop their own responses to lowering their carbon footprint, and the carbon footprint of others, whilst having the confidence to share their Carbon Literacy.

Carbon Literacy is a desirable asset for any employer. A Carbon Literate citizen will display compassion for the environment, their health and the health of those around them. This makes them directly more employable.

Certification is awarded following the successful completion of an approved Carbon Literacy course whereby each learner is awarded a uniquely-coded Carbon Literacy certificate to reference that achievement.

A Carbon Literacy course covers –

·     The science behind climate change

·     Social equity & climate change

·     What you can do to act on climate change

·     Strategies and skills for communicating action on climate change

In order to become certified as Carbon Literate, you must take part in a day’s worth of accredited CL learning.

A day’s worth of learning can be achieved in a number of ways: E-Learning, Workshops, and/or Self-Directed learning (e.g. homework set by your trainer) and must add up to at around 8 hours. Have a chat with us or your trainer to see how your training will be delivered.

Following successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Carbon Literacy certificate which will be unique to you.

Carbon Literacy training is currently being delivered by a wide range of trainers and organisations, to workplaces, communities and places of education – this list is constantly growing. Check out our certified Trainers and Training Organisations for a flavour of who is delivering training at the moment.

There are two routes to become certified as Carbon Literate:

1. Join a CL course
– Please check our Courses page for open Carbon Literacy training sessions in your area.
– You may be able to study the science of climate change by purchasing the CL: Knowledge e-learning course and then seek a workshop to complete the group based elements of your CL training.
Alternatively, there may already be networks of organisations that you identify with that could provide you with Carbon Literacy training – if in doubt Contact Us.

2. Set up your own CL training
– Speak to a colleague, manager, CEO, housing association, community network, teacher, lecturer or similar about rolling out Carbon Literacy within your organisation, community, or place of education, then Contact Us and we’ll advise you on the next steps. Have a look to see how you can Get Started.

CLCs – Carbon Literacy Consultant - Individuals who have the most experience of developing and delivering multiple CL courses to a range of organisations.

CLTs – Carbon Literacy Trainer -  Individuals who have a breadth of CL training experience, most of whom have also developed a CL course.

CLFs – Carbon Literacy Facilitator - Individuals who help to deliver and administer CL courses within their organisation.

Experienced trainers – Individuals who deliver CL training but are not formally certified by The Carbon Literacy Project

Over 9000 people are now registered as Carbon Literate


We need to make changes of the magnitude of 5 – 15%